Vacationing with little ones can be exhausting, but it is definitely
worth it when you get to visit your family. We just got back from a trip
to Utah where we were lucky enough to be able to visit both sides of
the family. We had a busy vacation trying to fit everything in and
traveling from Logan, to Bear Lake, to Spanish Fork, to Cokeville. We
were able to do quite a bit, and the trip was full of many firsts for
the girls.
First Camping Trip: Nathan and I have
always enjoyed camping, but since having the girls, we haven't been
able to convince ourselves that it would be quite as enjoyable. I
worried the girls would wake the entire campground up with their cries,
or crawl into an ants nest, or have to sleep on the airmattress with mom
and dad, or we'd run into some other unforeseen catastrophe. But I'm
pleased to say our first experience with camping went rather well. We
camped with my family at Bear Lake and had a great time! The girls loved
being outside and there were plenty of people around to entertain them.
We borrowed my parent's 3 room tent so we had more than enough space to
set up two pack-n-plays and an airmattress. The girls actually slept
really well and I've even contemplated setting a tent up out back for
them to sleep in all the time......
Mommy and Eden showing off our spacious accommodations |
Daddy-daughters bonding time in the tent |
also got a chance to camp again later in the week with my extended
family in Wyoming. We didn't exactly "rough it" though because my
Grandparents let us borrow their camping trailer! Both camping trips
were really successful, and Nate and I were even considering a camping
trip this fall until we realized the only reason we enjoyed camping was
we didn't have to do anything! No packing, no set up, no planning; we
just showed up and had a good time.
First Swim in a Lake: Although
the water is a bit chilly at Bear Lake, the girls had fun splashing in
it and eating sand! Nate and I had a blast playing on the jetskis my
family rented. We rode together once but discovered we were both happier
on our own jetski. What can I say, we both like to be in control and
Cooling off in the shade with Gramps and Gran |
Playing on the beach with cousin Jaxton |
Nate fell off the jetski and lost his glasses in the lake! |
First Call to Poison Control: I
must confess I had a Mommy-fail moment on the trip. Lydia somehow got
into some medicine and we had to make a call to poison control. Luckily,
she only ate one tablet and she ended up being fine. The funny thing
was it was a pill for urinary tract infections and it turned her mouth,
tongue, and urine orange!
Lydia |
First Backyard Swim: The girls really love
the water and the backyard blow up pool at my parent's house was no
exception! My favorite cousin Betsy and her family were able to come
spend the day with us in Logan one day. We went to the zoo, got ice
cream, and finished the day off in the pool. The kids loved it!
Eden |
First Family Reunion: Nate's
parents live in Seattle, so we were so excited that they were in Utah
for the Smith family reunion and we could spend time with them as well.
We spent a few days staying at Grandma Smith's house in Spanish Fork. It
was fun to see many of Nate's extended family members at the reunion as
we haven't
Nate and Shane being manly! |
seen many of them since we got married. The reunion
was at a park so the girls enjoyed the water games and playground, Nate
enjoyed playing football and volleyball, and I enjoyed visiting and
eating good food!
We also went to the Feuz family reunion in Cokeville, Wyoming. My grandparents have a huge yard so everyone always "camps out"
for the reunion. We had a great time and the highlight for Nate was going 4-wheeling up in the mountains.
First Parade: We were actually able to see two parades on our
trip. The first was celebrating Fiesta Days in Spanish Fork. This parade
is intense! You have to save your spot on the sidewalk at least a day
in advance and then you still have to go early the morning of the parade
because someone will steal your spot! The girls were enthralled with
all the people and noise.
Watching the parade with Uncle Brady |
Grandma and Eden having fun at the parade |
Nate chased down Cosmo to get a picture with him |
The second parade was in Cokeville celebrating
Pioneer Day. This parade was a tad smaller. And by a tad, I mean the
whole parade goes down main street, turns around, and comes back down
the street for a second round! We enjoyed both parades.
The Cokeville parde |
First Taste of BYU Creamery Ice Cream: I worked at the Creamery
on 9th all through college. I have so many good memories of that place
not to mention the ice cream is divine! I loved working there and met
some of my best friends there. Plus Nate and I went there on our first
date. So naturally we had to revisit and let the girls try some of the
best ice cream! While in the Provo area we were also able to eat a Brick
Oven (delish!) and meet up with two of my dearest roommates. I almost
felt like I was back in college again. You know, other than the two
munchkins in the high chairs.
Reunited with Erin and Tess! |
We had such a fun time visiting everyone, and I'm
afraid the girls are already bored with me so hopefully someone will
come visit us soon!
Family selfie on the flight. Luckily, the flight wasn't full so we could sit by each other with an empty seat in the middle! |